Updates that you can make within your account:
Once you have signed in, you can update the following details. Select them from the menu, make your edits and click save.
- Personal Details (i.e. email address and password)
- Payment Methods (i.e. stored credit card)
Updates that must be completed with the assistance of the Epic Australia Pass team:
You cannot update the following details online:
- Name (i.e. incorrect spelling, marriage, or separation resulting in a name change)
- Date of Birth (i.e. incorrectly entered)
Please click here to request an update to these details. In your message, include the details that need to be updated along with your current account details (full name, date of birth and customer ID if known) along with a copy of your current photo ID.
Please note:
- Products are non-transferable, and names cannot be changed for this purpose.
- To protect your information, all documentation submitted for the purpose of identification will be redacted once reviewed.